Can’t Keep You
Another one of Ell’s tunes, found this one particularly hard for some reason as it’s quite a simple structure. Recorded using a close-miced SM57 into transistor amplifier
Another one of Ell’s tunes, found this one particularly hard for some reason as it’s quite a simple structure. Recorded using a close-miced SM57 into transistor amplifier
Recorded live on the 6th March in the Jazz Cafe, Danny and the Champions of the World’s live album ‘Live Champs!’ is now available for pre-order here (release date is the 29th September). Reviews: …
Black*Scarr (aka Johnny Black and Emma Scarr) have just released their new CD ‘Middle Aged Love’ . Rousing comical and emotional songs about real life, featuring yours truly on pedal steel guitar!. CD Available here:
[Update] Pete is working on his next album and has made ‘Sweet the Love That Meets Return’ available for download as part of his PledgeMusic campaign. Well, what are you waiting for?!.. Sweet The Love That Meets Return by Peter …
Sweet The Love That Meets Return by Peter James Millson Read more »